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The Richest Pirate in History, "Black Sam" Bellamy

Writer: Adam TabetAdam Tabet

3"x5" graphite sketch during economics class
"Bellamy's Demise" 3"x5" graphite sketch during economics class

In the year o' our Lord 1689, Samuel Bellamy, a lad from England, found 'imself amid the Royal Navy's ranks, sufferin' under cruel discipline an' measly wages. 'Tweren't long 'fore he'd 'ad enough o' servin' the Crown. Yearnin' fer freedom an' riches, Sam set ‘is sails fer the colonies, he aimed t' bring back a bounty fit fer a king, or in his case, t' win the heart o' the fair lass, Goody Hallett, who bore 'is unborn child. In 1715, when hurricanes rattled upn’ down ‘long the Floridian coast, they took with 'em two Spanish Treasure Fleets, leavin' a fortune buried beneath the waves. Bellamy, like many a sea dog, set out t' claim 'is share. Findin' sunken treasure proved tougher'n a barnacle on a ship's hull.

Risin' swift through the ranks o' piracy, Sam Bellamy gained renown fer his moral compass, steerin' clear o' the ruthless ways o' other buccaneers. Sailing alongside the likes o' Edward Teach an' Benjamin Hornigold, he showed unmatched compassion an' fairness. Plunderin' more'n 50 vessels, he earned 'imself the moniker "Black Sam," an' when he set his sights on the Whydah Galley, a British slave ship laden with gold and grog, 'twas a sight t' behold. With a single shot fired, the crew surrendered, facin' a horde o' wild, rum-soaked pirates baring all. Yet fate proved as cruel as the sea, claimin' Bellamy, his crew, an' their prized treasure in a tempestuous nor'easter off the coast o' Massachutes. Though his ship sank, his legend lived on, as did the tales spun by those who survived t' raise the black flag once more in his honor.


© 2024 by Adam Tabet

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